Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Final Product

Now with both the barrel and the handle complete, we have a final product. We haven't been able to test it out but it looks great and rolls well.
Once we properly secure the handle to the barrel we think the soil tamp will be a great tool for the green house users.

Finished Handle!

We were able to construct the handle in two class times, and Elliott was able to even paint it. Luckily we didn't run into any problems with the handle. Now all we have to do is attach it to the barrel.

New Handle Design

After consideration we've decided to go with a different handle design. Instead of using the split bike fork we'll build a handle from scratch. Here's a picture of the new design. ^


This is the design for the handle.

Finished Barrel!

We grinded down the sides of the barrel so no sharp edges stick out and now we'll begin work on the handle.

Final Touches

When attaching the mesh to the barrel we welded the mesh to both the wheel rims and the rebar that stretched across both rims. Some of the mesh sticks off the end, so next we'll have to grind that down so there aren't any sharp edges.

Finishing the Barrel

After attaching the mesh to the barrel we still have to go back and cut off the excess mesh and patch a few of the holes.

Attaching Rolled Mesh to the Barrel.

We've figured out a little late that rolling the mesh was not a good idea. With the mesh curved it's a lot harder to attach to the barrel than it would be if it were flat. Unfortunately it's too late to do anything about it so we'll just have to work with what we've got.